
Padahastasana or Gorilla pose. September 27, 2016 18:46


Padahastasana or Gorilla pose by Downward Dingo Carol Edelkoort

Imagine going through your daily life without using your hands or wrists. Fairly impossible isn't? Makes you realize what great appendages they are and what awesome tools they make. We are so lucky to get to wake up in the morning and find these wonders attached to our arms to do our bidding.

I think it is high time to appreciate our hands and wrists and stretch, massage and spoil them.

I love Padahastasana, Foot to hand or Gorilla pose as shown in the video from Kino Yoga embedded underneath. A great stretch for your hands and wrists, relaxes your shoulders and neck (always a must), calms your mind and lengthens your hamstrings. 



 I also added this video from Jen Hillman of Psyche truth about more general hand and wrist stretches. Time to pay special attention to your hand, after all they make us create, do yoga, work, love, cook, eat, pray. Namaste

